Sunday, April 4, 2010

Stress Management

I went across 24 years of my life and did lot of research in the versatile fields. And in every organization I felt that the growth of organization and an individual lead them to the growth of stress over an Individual and in my perception individuals make an organization and if they are in stress then that hinders the growth of organization.

I felt that today either most of the people never want to accept that they are undergoing stress at the moment. But if I am not wrong then the person who was never in the stress, that person never lived their life or never did anything passionately. Stress is the physical or emotional reaction of our mind which begins with headache and lead to paralysis and sometimes very serious like brain hemorrhage.

Stress can be of many types, it may be because of:

1. Performance pressure

2. Relational pressure

3. Environmental pressure

4. Social pressure

5. Economical pressure

And few more. The fact of life is that no one can avoid this stress. Whoever gives you the training over stress management also once in life suffered from stress. This is one thing which very emotionally attached to an individual so no one can describe it in ppt or any maths calculation (permutation/combination).Solutions can only be obtained by the person who came out of it successfully. Even today I can write over this issue just because I am well aware of it and known to its effect as well as solutions to come out of it. So friends in any case whenever you feel that you are in stress first remember that 'all is well' then if it will not work then I will be always there for you.

Thanks & Regards,
Brijesh Kumar Pandey

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